
Get ready to immerse yourself in the captivating world of Madeira’s traditional boat building with our upcoming boat reconstruction event and documentary.

Our team is hard at work conducting interviews with local community members, from skilled boat builders and craftsmen to fishermen and sailors with a deep connection to these remarkable vessels.

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VADIA Boat Reconstruction & Documentary

In addition, we’re thrilled to be collaborating with a diverse range of local talented artists, musicians, and designers to bring this documentary to life. With their unique perspectives and creative insights, we’re confident that our boat documentary will offer an unforgettable journey into the heart of Madeira’s maritime heritage.

From the intricate design of VADIA boat to the rich history and cultural significance of these cultural vessels, our mini documentary will take you on a mesmerising tour of one of Madeira’s most iconic traditions. So stay tuned for more news, and get ready to set sail on a fascinating exploration of Madeira’s seafaring past and present.

Photos during filming

Documentary Credits


Marcos Alves da Mota
John Michael Kavanagh


Marcos Alves da Mota
John Michael Kavanagh

Colaboração Especial

Manuel Abreu (“Mestre Juca”)
João Luís Belo (“Troça”)
Virgínia Jardim
Luís Belo (“Bimbo”)
Emanuel Mendonça (“Santana”)

Cinegrafista/Diretor de Fotografia

John Michael Kavanagh

Editor/Designer de som

José Crispim

Compositor (som original) 

Bruno Lucas (TIN CAN MAN)
Soundtrack 01: Viola de arames & Soundtrack 02: Viola acústica

Gravação Áudio Sound Designer

Estúdio 21

Operador de Drone

John Michael Kavanagh
Pedro Nascimento

Design Gráfico

John Michael Kavanagh
Mário Lopes

Fotografia e Vídeo de arquivo 

Museu de Fotografia da Madeira – Atelier Vicente’s 
João Pestana

Artesãos no restauro da VADIA

Mestre Jorge Pestana (tanoeiro)
Mestre Élvio Lume (soldador)


Nini Andrade Silva 
Eleutério Mota
Fátima Spínola


Arlindo Sousa
Alberto Pestana
Marco Silva
Adelino Sousa
Carla Bacanhim
Duarte Moura
Jorge Pestana
Eduardo Jesus
Patrícia da Mota
Adelino Sousa
César Barbeito
Nuno Marcial
Matilde Gonçalves
Egas Lume
Nelson Freitas
Bruno Sousa
Bruno Vieira
Miguel Figueira
Miguel Caires 
Marcos Teixeira 
Pedro Calado 
Pedro Nascimento
Jacinto Silva
Fernanda Gianotta
Isac Camacho
Sérgio Barrancos
Sandra Nóbrega
Sara Marote
Cataria Faria
Fabíola Pereira 
Filipe Bettencourt
Ricardo Silva
Anabela Rocha
Florival Cassapo
Francisca Camacho 
Tomás Faria
Tony Fernandes
Sinead & Tadgh Moynihan
David Neupane
Alda Ribeiro

Centro Cultural 

Estúdio de Criação Artística do Funchal


Associação de Promoção da Madeira

Apoio logístico e operacional

APRAM – Portos da Madeira 
Centro Náutico de São Lázaro

Branding, Marketing, Desenvolvimento Web e Redes Sociais

Access Madeira 


Câmara Municipal do Funchal através de atribuição de uma bolsa artística do Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias.

Patrocinadores & Apoios institucionais

Em memória de

José Humberto da Mota (“Mestre Cigarrinha”)