Our Special Thanks

It takes a village to create something truly special, and we are so grateful to an entire community of talented, passionate individuals who are coming together to support our boat project. From musicians and artists to food producers, designers, craftsmen, and more, we owe a debt of gratitude to each and every one. The supportContinue reading “Our Special Thanks”


Our artists on residency project is co-funded by Funchal City Hall through an artistic scholarship by Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias. We would like to thank all our sponsors, whose financial or in-kind support has made the boat reconstruction event and documentary arts project possible. Without their generosity and belief in our vision, none of thisContinue reading “Sponsors”


Get ready to immerse yourself in the captivating world of Madeira’s traditional boat building with our upcoming boat reconstruction event and documentary. Our team is hard at work conducting interviews with local community members, from skilled boat builders and craftsmen to fishermen and sailors with a deep connection to these remarkable vessels. In addition, we’reContinue reading “Documentary”


Our collection of photo and video gallery offers a window into the soul of Madeira’s maritime heritage, capturing the essence of an island steeped in seafaring lore. And at the heart of this journey lies the VADIA Boat, a shining example of the art and science of traditional boat building. Here, you’ll find a wealthContinue reading “Gallery”

Artists in Residency

Documentary Cast The names of the interviewees in order of recording: Emanuel Mendonça (“Santana”)Manuel Abreu (“Mestre Juca”)João Luís Belo (“Troça”)Virgínia JardimLuís Belo (“Bimbo”) Artists Performances by the musician Tin Can Man (Bruno Lucas), who is also producing the soundtrack for our documentary. On the cultural side, we will have a small theatrical moment with AhauContinue reading “Artists in Residency”

A Descriptive Memory

2. To video record interviews with some of the inhabitants of the Old Quarter who can testify to important moments in their lives and that these are related to local experiences, in order to make a documentary record of the importance of the contribution of their habits and customs to Madeiran Culture. 3. As thisContinue reading “A Descriptive Memory”

Purpose of the Project

Thus, Alves Da Mota and John Kavanagh, through their project “Old Town of Funchal – The Community and its Sea” aims to accomplish, a series of actions that aim to gather a set of photographic and video material as well as other of interest for the preservation of historical heritage. The purpose of the projectContinue reading “Purpose of the Project”

VADIA Programme Framework

There is a group of people to whom the Culture of this Region is still in time to give due recognition because they have helped to mould this identity, which involves listening to individuals who, by their mastery and dedication, have literally become the artisans of this heritage and defenders of this legacy that weContinue reading “VADIA Programme Framework”